Vocational Education with Embedded Social inclusion Tactics for Autistic people
Palacký University
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Faculty of Education of Palacký University strives for the union of tradition, universality, and modernism in the process of educating future teachers and other professionals involved in education. Its high priority is to stimulate the development of education in the Olomouc region, as well as to ensure the success of its graduates in the wider European context. The Faculty comprises 16 departments and centers, which participate in a wide range of scientific projects. Besides a number of BA and MA degree study programs, the applicants can choose from various doctoral programs. In reaction to the trends in continuing education, The Centre for Lifelong Education organizes accredited study programs and offers specialized courses in compliance with public demand or changing needs of society. Faculty of Education offers bachelors, masters and doctoral degree program. To proposed project are related those study programs: Teacher Education in Social and Health Care for Secondary Schools (master’s degree study) Graduates will teach social and health care subjects at two- or four-year secondary vocational schools. The special education study program is organized according to the students' choice (teaching children with impaired hearing or sight, with mental or physical handicap or children with educational difficulties) and combined with another subject. Teaching for Special Schools and Special Primary Schools (master’s degree) Graduates will teach at special schools and at primary schools for educationally subnormal children and in classes with integrated education of children with disabilities. Special Pedagogy for Tutors, the graduates are qualified for tutorial and organizational work with mentally retarded people, children with impaired sight or hearing, physically handicapped children or persons with educational difficulties. The study consists of the psychological, medical, legal and pedagogic principles of special education. Post-graduate doctoral study:, Special Education.
The role of Faculty of Education of Palacký University in the project is related to possibilities which are offered from in scientific as well as practical area. As a partner we can participate on developing diagnostic models for successful placement on the labor market, sharing modules for different types of therapies focused to target group and prepare a workable form of case study to be able to build a source of best practices from the all participating countries.
Involved persons:
prof. PhDr. PaedDr. Miloň Potměšil, Ph.D.
Mgr. Monika Kunhartová
Mgr. Vladimira Zedkova
Mgr. Eva Urbanovská