Vocational Education with Embedded Social inclusion Tactics for Autistic people
KTA Krakow
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The Krakow Branch of the National Society for Autism was established in 1991 and has been operating for over 20 years. Our activity focuses on providing help to about 70 families of people with autism spectrum disorders. Our personnel includes psychologists, special education teachers and other specialists (a speech therapist, rehabilitator, dog therapist).
The KTA, Krakow Branch runs a Care Center for Persons with Autism, Community Self-Help Center, "Under the Umbrella" Club and support groups for parents of the people with autism. The Care Center for People with Autism and the Community Self-Help Center offer activities to people with autism and intellectual disability in the afternoons and at weekends. The wards are mainly people aged 7-35. The wards are divided into groups according to age and the level of functioning. Developing the greatest possible independence and self-reliance in our wards is the main goal of the therapeutic activities. It is important for us that they are able to do most of activities on their own, especially the self-help ones, so that they will not have to rely on the help of other people.
The aim of prevocational preparation is equipping our wards with skills that are useful at work, also developing skills crucial from a potential employer's perspective and creating in the participants the image of themselves as employees. Prevocational preparation comprises such activities as: cleaning, cooking, woodwork, office activities and applied art. Cleaning includes: washing the dishes, washing (washing machine operation, hanging and folding the laundry), vacuum cleaning (vacuum cleaner operation), dusting, sweeping, taking out garbage, washing windows and floors. Apart from gaining skills that are essential in the job of a cleaner, these classes also aim at getting the participants into the habit of taking care of cleanliness and spotting mess. Culinary classes involve learning how to prepare meals, cutting, shredding, grating foodstuffs. Our wards bake cakes, fry meat and vegetables, cook soups. Being able to operate domestic appliances is also essential here. During woodwork classes, our wards learn how to saw and grind wood. They operate a drill, a grinding machine. They use such tools as a saw, hammer, screwdriver. They paint and varnish wooden surfaces. Office activities include: photocopier operation, preparation of letters and parcels to be sent, typing, using office devices (cutter, laminator, etc.). Applied art classes are devoted to occasional decoration preparations by using diverse techniques, such as painting, decoupage, stamping, sticking. Our wards also knead various malleable masses out of which they then make decorations. Bookmarks, Christmas decorations, notebooks, magnets, key rings are among others made during the applied art workshop.
"Under the Umbrella" Club also operates at KTA, Krakow Branch. These are socializing classes for people with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome. Separate groups are formed for children, the youth and adults. The main goal of the classes is socialization and social integration. The following activities are suggested at the Club: discussing successes and problems, social training, socializing excursions (e.g. to a museum, coffee shop, cinema, theatre), prevocational preparation (children learn about diverse occupations, and the older ones talk about their future plans connected with the selection of school, occupation).
KTA, Kraków Branch also attempts to provide support to parents and carers of the people with autism. As it has already been mentioned, parents take part in the creation of individual, educational and therapeutic programs for their children. Progress as well as arising problems are discussed on a regular basis. Psycho-educational classes for parents and carers of people with autism have also been conducted, during which parents could learn how to support their children, for instance, in developing his/her self-reliance, ability to plan their free time and to cope with stress. "Club for Parents", a kind of support group, has been another initiative of our Branch. The major objective of the meetings was the parents' focusing on themselves, not only on the child. The following issues were brought up at the meetings: my strengths, social support, free time without the child, the reactions of the environment. Meetings of the Club helped to manage stress and emotions. Parents could exchange experiences, share their successes and hardships. They also exchanged information (about specialists, doctors, schools, privileges and associations). However, most of all, they got to know one another and even formed friendships.
In summer, the Krakow Branch of KTA organizes summer camps for its wards. They are usually about 1 week long. Our wards go to the camps alone, without parents, but under the care of qualified staff. For children, the camps are some kind of adventure, a self-reliance lesson and they give parents additional support.