Vocational Education with Embedded Social inclusion Tactics for Autistic people
Third meeting Chania
Third Partner Meeting – Chania 2013
On May 25th-31th 2013, the third meeting of the VESTA project partner group took place. The representatives of Greece, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Poland were present.
This partner meeting was composed of three fundamental parts. First one was dedicated to integration and improving communication as well as creative skills in ASD persons and other participations. All participants were invited to the art and storytelling workshop and were able to increase invention and prosocial capacities.
The second part was related to the office work training for ASD participants. Office work training wad devoted to formal letter writing and sending. All ASD persons have to write the formal letter to their institution following the instruction and activity appropriate order. The training was successful and the letters were stamped and sent.
The third part was related to the project results and activities, as following:
Presentation of Greek system of education. It was done in two parts: the Vocational Training School for Exceptional Teenagers presentation by Stavros Koumbouzis (EEEEK- ERGASTIRIO EIDIKIS PAGGELMATIKIS EKPAIDEFSIS KAI KATARTISIS CHANION as well as KEDDY presentation by Agapi Orfanaki.
The analysis of tasks carried out so far (studies of the needs of autistic people within the training of vocational skills)
Results of studies of the needs of autistic people in the scope of vocational skills training carried out in Lithuania were presented. It was accepted that intercultural analysis should be performed under prof. M. Potmesila's guidance. It was stated that the project tasks were going according to the timetable however all activities planned to be done within the first year of cooperation have to be finished up to 30 of June.
The content of the project website, and leaflet
The structure and the content of Vesta website https://vesta3.webnode.gr as well as the leaflet were presented. After discussing the details it was decided that: (1) the website should be informative and interesting for reader, (2) all information should be presented in short however precise form, (3) project web should be divided into four subpages: general project info, partner institutions brief description, activities and their results, and national reports. The leaflet content has to include general project info, partner institutions contact details, the description of ASD right no 10.
The content of didactic materials
The content and structure of didactic materials for people with autism were presented. It is divided into two areas (general and detailed). General part (by Adam Wrona) is related to personal presentation, behavior in work place and the dress code appropriate to work place. The detailed part is devoted to vocational training prepared by special education students of Pedagogical University in Krakow under the supervision of J. Kossewska, concerned (1) office work (Agata Selecka), (2) hotel industry (Paulina Wal), (3) gardening (Beata Stanaszek), (4) preparation and digitalization of files in libraries (Małgorzata Sowa), (5) kitchen help (Anna Stawiarz). Each vocational activity concerned five particular activities. The didactic materials are combined of general knowledge and practical skills training. The teaching procedure is combined by four type of repeating question. It was accepted that one of didactic games presented (hygiene) might be suitable to improving Vesta project and may be included into.
The content of interim report was discussed.
All three parts and their assumptions were successfully obtained.