Vocational Education with Embedded Social inclusion Tactics for Autistic people
Seventh meeting Vilnius (Agenda)
Agenda for Partner Meeting no 8
Vilnius, Lithuania, 11-15 June 2014
Venue – Hiteco J. Jasinskio str. 14, LT-01112 Vilnius, LithuaniaPh: +370 5 2514477,
Fax: +370 5 2514476,
Arrival and accommodation of project partners.
School visit
10-12.00 project workshop
ü What has been done is reference to the project agreement:
Leaflet – national versions presentation
training for assistant – results by Domecek
trainings for ASD persons – results of national sumples
Moodle platform - national versions
Multimedia interactive training tool
Guide for assistants,
ü Dissemination – at national and international level
ü General discussion
12.00-13.00 lunch break
13-15.00 project workshop
ü Monitoring project outcome
ü Conclusions
ü Recommendations
ü Final report
ü European Shared Treasure EST
ü Proposals for future cooperation in the context of Erazmus+ program
Conference for Lithuanian teachers
14.06.2014 sightseeing
15.06.2014 Departure
Further Information
For further information, please contact:
Vilma Butkute vilma@imotec.lt , mobile: +370 610 60961