Vocational Education with Embedded Social inclusion Tactics for Autistic people
Fifth meeting Krakow
The workshop was devoted to:
1) the analysis of the course of project task realization - the so far achieved tasks were summed up:
a) Joanna Kossewska discussed arrangements concerning development of the educational application on DVD, which Wojciech Kubik obliged to do, having received full linguistic versions of the materials. Due to this, a deadline for submitting country full linguistic versions was set for 30 December 2013. For the time being, the translated parts should be sent successively.
b) Vilma Butkute discussed the progress level of developing didactic materials for assistants and teachers in the form of e-learning education on Moodle platform. The work result of Lithuanian specialists will be an additional effect of project implementation. IT specialists (Pietro Ferrari and Wojciech Kubik) agreed on the layout, the same for both products - the DVD and e-platform. Vilma Butkute presented sample PDFs which will be included in the platform. Analogously to the ones presented in the meeting, other materials will be developed in PDF in English by January 30, 2014. After proofreading, the other partners will complete their language versions.
c) Guidebook for assistants – prof. Milon Potmesil received only two from the four expected abstracts of the group work which took place in Prague (see the Prague report), therefore the preparation of guidebook for assistants will be delayed in time. Reasons for such a state were analyzed in the discussion and the coordinator was obligated to increase control over the partner group and monitor progress effectively.
The people in charge (Vilma Butkute and Lena Xarcha) will immediately (by Dec. 30) send their remarks regarding the content and structure of the analyzed part of materials for the assistant's guidebook to prof. Potmesil, and prof. Potmesil's team will develop the guidebook by January 30, 2014.
d) Leaflet was prepared by Domecek organization, however, the electronic version was not sent to the partners. Domeczek was asked to send the project leaflet to all partners quickly (by Dec. 30).
2. new proposals and dates of further tasks realization were presented
a) Joanna Kossewska suggested publishing a monograph of speech texts presented at the English language conference session. The proposed title: Empowering Autistic Person Development in the Contextual Perspective; suggested content:
• Marion Hersh - Applications of Assistive Technology for Autistic, Deafblind and Blind People.
• Vilma Butkute - Piloting ViPi ICT Training with People with Disabilities.
• Milon Potmesil & Petra Potmesilova - Needed Background at Parents for AAC Usage.
• Brenda Peters - Enhancing Participation and Social Cognitive Development for Children with ASD: Adopting a Mediated Systematic Social Communication & Interaction Model.
• Eva Urbanovska - People with ASD Adjustment from Parental and Professional Point of View.
• Remigiusz Kijak – Vocational Settings for Autistic Persons.
• Joanna Kossewska, Agata Selecka, Małgorzata Sowa, Anna Stawiarz, Paulina Wal - Vocational Training as a Developmental Chance for Person with Autism – the VESTA Didactic Proposal.
• Eulalie Dufermont - Considerations about Different Autism Caring Approaches in France and their Regulation.
• Adam Wrona - Autism in Poland in the Perspective of Statistics.
Prof. Milon Potmesil suggested publication in a journal instead of a book.
Prof. Milon Potmesil gave us the contact to journal Špeciálny pedagóg: časopis pre špeciálnopedagogickú teóriu a prax - https://ksp.pf.unipo.sk/sk/specialny-pedagog-casopis-pre-specialnopedagogicku-teoriu-a-prax/23 published by Department of Special Education in Presov, Slovak Republic.
Remarks on the form of publication and the content as well as participation application must be sent to Joanna Kossewska by 30 December 2013. The final decision about the publication will be made depending on the majority votes.
However in opinion of Joanna Kossewska most texts are neither empirical nor hightly scientific so the book would be more adequate and higher valuated by LdV as well as university authorities.
b) Dissemination
Vilma Butkute suggested passing the project information to the Internet resources administered by the Ministry of Education as material for "e-school" teachers in Lithuania.
Joanna Kossewska gave the proposal to present VESTA project at 2 conferences in Lithuania: 1) Spring Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Education 8-9 May in Kalipeda and/or 2) International School Psychology Association Conference 15-18 July in Kaunas.
Other forms of dissemination are also welcome. Each partner will achieve this task independently and in the area and form convenient for native users The list of national dissemination procedure and detailes must be sent to Joanna Kossewska by Feb. 28 2014.
c) Domecek will organize practical training for vocational trainers and volunteers in February 2014 after receiving the guide from Palacky University. The results will be presented in Olomouc in March 2014.
d) next meetings (dates do not collide with other commitments of the partners)
o Olomouc – 10 March 2014, 11-12 Special Education Conference, 13 School visiting
o Vilnius – 14. June 2014